thevelvetrose on Wattpad :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Organizing and Editing: The Pains.

As I begin my editing process, with my pool-sized cup of coffee next to me at all times, I have become aware of how horrific editing truly is. Anyone else have that blood-chilling moment at the thought of facing certain parts of your novel you just don't know how to tackle? I spent an entire hour working on this beauty to keep me sane: 

See that cup of coffee? I could swim laps in it. It took about two cups, half a bag of sour gummy worms, apple paleo muffins (I had to make up for the sugar I had consumed), and two episodes of Smallville before I finally perfected the cover (yes, only the cover). I don't know why I was so driven to make just a simple cover for a binder, but I did it. 
See all of those tabs? I organized them by: Characters, Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, and plants/animals/species. I was so caught up in the moment that I even drew a map, drew biographies, and drew a gorgeous timeline. I have to say, I'm rather proud. 
Here is the real kicker. I spent nearly two days working on this binder, nearly forgetting a major essay I had to write. I never even started editing chapter one of HNS. I didn't even open the file, I spent my time with sticky notes and pencils, not even reading the first sentence! 
So here I am, one in the morning, eyes blurred from exhaustion and a bone dry coffee mug next to me. I promised myself this morning that I would finish a chapter tonight. Well, I lied. However, I've decided that after a good night's rest I'll be ready to begin my long journey of editing (after Saturday morning cartoons, because I refuse to miss those). 
I'll post after I finish editing the first of many chapters. My next post will either be filled with exciting words or a dozen cuss words and frowny faces. 

So join me next time when I post about this insane goal I have set for myself. This post might not of made a whole lot of sense because my coffee ran out about an hour ago and my teacher gave me candy today and after 3 pieces I realized it was bought before Halloween. Yikes.
As Tigger once said, "TTYL!" 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome Back

How long has it been since I've been on Wattpad? A year? It feels like a lifetime!
My following on Wattpad has been astonishing as my wonderful fans continue to support me even in my absents. If you are one of them, thank you! :)

Where have I been? I've been buried underneath essays, graduation announcements, college mail, emotion, job applications, and oddly enough a lot of healthy food (what the what?). Time has escaped me. This must be what The Doctor feels like constantly (Don't know who I'm talking about? Go on Netflix and start season one of Doctor Who, you can thank me with cookies later :) So here I am, hungry for writing and craving a new challenge. What is my challenge? Editing, aka the process which makes a grown man cry and a writer have a mental breakdown.

My challenge: Edit and self-publish one of my stories.
What can I say? I'm excited to sink my teeth into my old stories.

I have decided to re-enter the world of Renton by editing and hopefully self-publishing. So here is my question: Which version? I need YOUR  help! If you were to choose between Horrifying New Start and What If?, which would you want to read/buy?
      If you choose Horrifying New Start, I plan to make some changes within the story as well as correcting a lot of mistakes I made (example: Jack's age shifts from 22 to 26 in two years! Ah!). When I wrote it I had never heard of writing important details down. Now I know better. 

      If you choose What If? I plan to break the story into three books just as I had with Horrifying New Start, Rise Against, and It Ends Here. Obviously a lot of new writing will be added as well as mistake correcting and changes.

**Please let me know your opinions on which I should publish. You can either private message me on Wattpad or vote on the poll located on the left.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon <(o^.^o<)